Team Up With Your Child’s Therapist!

Hi, I’m Sam and I’m a registered behavior technician at Achieve Beyond. Today, I’m going to talk to you about teaming up with your child’s therapist.

Ways to with child therapist

Therapy works best when parents and therapists work together as a team. Your therapist is here to help. You know your child better than anyone, so working together as a team will help your child learn. Try to be open to accepting outside help and learning from your child’s therapist and team. Join in during sessions, be involved, and take advantage of your therapist’s time.

Observing and participating in a portion of your child’s sessions may help you gain an understanding of what is being done and gives you a better chance of replicating these strategies with your child outside of sessions. You can be a part of your child’s sessions by practicing data collection, practicing specific strategies from your child’s behavior intervention plan, and by leading activities or tasks.

Coordinate and communicate

A great time to practice data collection and behavioral strategies is when your BT or BCBA is there. With your team present, you have access to immediate guidance, feedback, and a model to learn from. Lead an activity with all of your children during session, such as a family board game, a craft, or even having everyone participate in getting dinner ready. Talk to your child’s therapist about when it would be a good time to join in during sessions and what you can do during sessions if you are unsure.

While it’s okay to ask for help in how you can help your child, it’s also okay to stand up for your child. If there’s something you don’t agree with, bring it to your BCBA. If you have concerns, bring them up. Be active in your child’s therapy and an active member of the team. We are here not only to support your child, but to support you and your family, so please let us know how we can help.

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